corelation of subgrade modulus and bearing capacity.
is there any corelation of bearing capacity and subgrade modulus. if the bearing capacity is 2 ksf, then can we deduce subgrade modulus from this value ?
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see that "california bearing ratio (cbr) correlation charts", contributed by
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thanks a lot slideruleera very usefull link.
according to joseph e. bowels,
modulus of sub-grade reaction = s.f. x 40 x bear. cap.
usually s.f. = 2.0
his book "foundation analysis and design" is a useful guide in designing foundations. you'll have to consider two values (one higher and other lower) for the spring constant.
contact the project geotech or a geotech and ask him/her. subgrade modulus has to do with soil displacement as well. if you have so much displacement under a certain bearing pressure, that correlates to the subgrade modulus for that condition.
also, subgrade modulus is tested based on a standard size plate bearing. if the size of the footing is significantly larger than the size of the plate, the modulus needs correction. |