Clicking on the True Position symbol in the FCF true position dialogue with composite enabled creates an error.
<< Grant Sewell -- 06/28/07 13:23:25>>
Clicking on the True Position symbol in the FCF true position dialogue with composite enabled creates an error.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Open up the attached program.
2) Locate the FCF dimension at the end of the program and edit this command.
3) Left mouse button click on the "True position" symbol in the "Feature Control Frame" editor window.
4) Now Left mouse click outside the FCF.
5) Select the OK button
Pcdmis generates a series of errors as shown in the attached BMP files. Pcdmis crashes if you try again to edit this feature.
<< Changes made by Neil Kay -- 12/12/08 09:24:38>>
Action: Wade Burton to Yanhua Huang, Assigned: Don Turcotte to CMM Group
<< Changes made by Neil Kay -- 07/23/08 11:59:55>>
Action: David Petrizze to Wade Burton
<< Don Turcotte -- 07/05/07 15:23:32>>
Fixed in V42 beta and V43B.
Files inserted to server
<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 07/05/07 15:23:50>>
Action: Don Turcotte to David Petrizze, Status: OPEN to REVIEW
<< Changes made by Tim Wernicke -- 06/28/07 22:57:22>>
Action: Tim Wernicke to Don Turcotte, Assigned: to Don Turcotte, Priority: to Critical
<<END>> |