crane beam design
does anyone have experience with this aisc crane beam design spreadsheet? it will not let me select a w shape plus channel. any idea why? thank you,
i messed with it a bit yesterday, and just realized it was a macro enable thing.
well, since the topic is started, do you have any additional advice for designing a building with a medium/light crane (7.5 ton) besides the aisc design guide? is there a resource with typical crane details? who provides the crane stop? who provides the hook bolts? should the eor specify on the drawings what kind of stop is required?
i believe there is an association - something like the american crane association or whatever that has specs on this. try a google.
also see aisi, astm, etc
thanks mike,
fyi, for others new at crane support design, i have some research results.
"light and heavy industrial buildings" by fisher and others is a good basic reference. the latest edition should be available from aisc.
in my opinion, and you will find this to be typical of design references, it is not acceptable practice to use diaphragm action as bracing for a 7.5 ton crane. the crane forces are concentrated and cyclical, so normal deck type diaphragms struggle.
there have been a lot of discussions on this site about crane runway and industrial building design. a search may help.
the runway stop should be detailed on the structural drawings, designed based on loading supplied by the manufacturer. hook bolts are normally only used on light duty cranes up to 5 ton capacity, with rail clips on heavier cranes.
see the "whiting crane handbook", you can download the third edition (1967) from this page of my website: |