earthquake loads on bridge piers
hello. i need to know where to find a complete example of how to compute load due to longitudinal and transverse motion on an earthquake acting on piers of a multi span bridge. i was checking the text "bridge engineering" by demetrios tonias, but the example is incomplete for transverse motion.
thanks a lot.
hi tranquilito,
note that the example 4.2 in that book applies to multi, simple spans and not for continuous multi-span. the example uses single-mode spectral analysis which may not apply in your case. usually one needs to do a multi-mode spectral analysis. bridge software can usually handle this.
thanks for your comment. my multi-span bridge has simple supported beams. maybe we can find a complete example using the single-mode spectral analysis.
thanks a lot.
nhi course no. 10063 provides a very good overview of seismic bridge design theory.
publications fhwa-sa-97-006 thru 012 are comprehensive examples of seismic design illustrating structural models and seismic analysis (categories a,b,etc).
006 two-span continuous cip conc. box bridge
007 three-span continuous steel girder bridge
008 single span aashto precast girder bridge
009 three-span continuous cip conc. bridge
010 nine-span viaduct steel girder bridge
011 three span continuous cip conc. box bridge
012 twelve-span viaduct aashto precast conc. bridge
although they may be a little out-dated with respect to the current aashto guide, they still offer alot of valid information at a very (very) reasonable cost.
good luck. |