embedded plate at concrete edge
in order to support the roof joists, embedded plates connected to concrete with shear studs are used.
in a critical condition, the roof joist is aligned with the panel edge, so the plate will be embedded at the edge of the panel.
i need to find out formulas to calculate the shear studs when they are close to the concrete edge.
any ideas?
thank you.
aci 318, appendix d should have information regarding headed anchors near free edges - dealing with the interuption of the shear cone of the anchor. also, nelson company also has some design guides on this.
simpson strongtie has some very usefull information on this subject, on there web site. they even have a freeware program you can download.
the p.c.i. design handbook has always been an excellent source of info on headed stud design. you should use the 6th edition, which is mostly based on 318-02 app d.
thank you for your help.
i don't find a lot of embedments in my scope of work. buying the book just for this job is quite a expense, on the other hand, i have to deliver by monday.
is there any website you know of showing these formulas?
simpson hasn't exactly waht i'm looking for.
thanks again.
nelson might have some information online, like jae suggested. |