hello. i posted this message on th
there are few arithmatic/transposition errors in the distribution factors:
assuming that the stiffness of the columns are indeed 0.058i, and the beams 0.083i, respectively, then the corrected df values are:
i have not checked the moment distribution.
is this want you wanted?
vbridge (visitor)26 mar 02 12:07
thank you for your respond.
i don't know how to find the stiffness to the column and the beam. how do i go about in finding the stiffness for the column and the beam? also, i don't know how to arrive at the numbers above the beam, i.e. 9.7, -23.6, etc..
this is the moment distribution technique which is a rapid, hand iterative method.
you calculate your fixed end moments (fem's), your stiffness factors, distribution factors, carry-over factors, then distribute the fem etc.
it is a simple technique but a little cumbersome to explain on this firum. you will have to check out a structural analysis text - most basic texts will detail this very useful method.
vbridge (visitor)26 mar 02 18:34
i understand. thanks for your help. |