Error on line profile (form only) report depending on best fit method
<< Jon Wood -- 03/10/09 14:10:55>>
There's something odd going on but I'm not 100% sure what it is.
I performed a linear open scan, then added a form only profile to it.
I noticed different results between Legacy and FCF's, looking closer I found that one was using Lease Sq, and one used Vector, so I change both to Least Sq.
This gave me consistant results but the OutTol values don't make sense and the graphical analysis shows both green and red!!!!!!!!!
Even on Vector the error bars show out of tol above and below?
It's almost like it's reporting Form and Location?
Steps to reproduce:
See attached program and report.
<< Changes made by David Petrizze -- 03/16/09 08:38:02>>
Action: David Petrizze to Yanhua Huang
<< Don Turcotte -- 03/12/09 14:07:51>>
In PR # 257022, the formonly profile was changed to include a consideration of size. For example, a formonly profile of a circle can show out of tol if the measured circle is smaller than the nominal circle even if it has perfect form. This is in conformance with Y14.5. With this change for formonly, the linear graphic shows a bi-directional deviation (the same as formandlocation) and the outtol value is based on deviation from the nominal surface. You can see this more clearly if you turn on the reporting of MAX, MIN.
If you do not want formonly profile to include size, then change the registry setting Option\UseISOCalculations to true (1). In V44, there is a pulldown list on the Advanced tab of the FCF dialog that allows you to select the GDT Standard (this overrides the registry setting). So in V44B, if you select GDT Standard of ISO 1101, then formonly will ignore differences in nominal, measured size and the linear graphic will be unidirectional. The legacy dimensions are still controlled solely by the registry setting.
I did fix one issue in V44B: when editing an existing FCF to change the GDT standard, the FCF was not recalculating the dimension.
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<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 03/12/09 14:08:04>>
Action: Don Turcotte to David Petrizze, Status: OPEN to REVIEW
<< Changes made by Tim Wernicke -- 03/10/09 09:17:21>>
Action: Tim Wernicke to Don Turcotte, Assigned: to Don Turcotte, Priority: to Critical
<<END>> |