load requirements for catwalks
any information regarding loading requirements for catwalks will be appreciated.
what application?
check the building codes, osha, perhaps other industry standards as applicable.
40 psf in 2006 ibc table 1607.1
that being for "assembly areas and theaters" in my 2003 ibc. but i've seen "catwalk" used in pretty generic ways, as in industrial applications.
it is for an assembly area/theater and it is adequate for up to 100 psf.
thanks everyone
big difference between industrial, commercial and public use catwalks. if in a theater and the catwalk could be loaded up with groupies, cast or crew then 40psf or even 100 psf may be light. adding a few pounds or even tons of steel is small compared to the issues if a failure occurs and people are hurt.
no groupies. it is for a school with very little acces to anyone other than the maintainance people. the architect did not even want a guardrail but we provided one.
thanks for the warning.
use a live load of 40psf [1.92kn/m2] as per asce 7-98
you may be (mildly) interested to know that on this side of the atlantic, the british standard specifies not a udl but a series of point loads on a cat-walk of 1kn (approx 220lb) at 1m centres. |