moisture loss in s-o-g
i've been searching online for some guidance regarding moisture loss with respect to time for slabs-on-grade, but have come up empty. am i barking up the wrong tree or just not finding it?
i am tyring to get an idea of how long from the time of the pour that you can assume a s-o-g is essentially done undergoing shrinkage due to loss of moisture.
here are a couple of graphs i copied from a concrete journal some years ago.
it depends on many things including the humidity and temperature. shrinkage continues to take place over a long period of time, ballpark figure i would assume 75% of the max happens at the first year (ref mehta & monteiro).
are you looking specifically for drying shrinkage alone?
yes, i'm looking for drying shrinkage only.
miecz- thanks!
i think the graph of ultimate shrinkage includes more than just drying shrinkage.
type of curing (water ponding, moisture retaining blankets or sheets, curing compounds) will affect the moisture retention. ambient air temperature, direct exposure to sunshine, humidity affect moisture content.
anyone have a reference that might quantify expected shrinkage (total or due only to drying) that one might expect with respect to time?
look in the aci manual of standard practice. i don't re
the article linked below is worth a read. |