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online timber masonry design course 9or books0

发表于 2009-9-15 10:34:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
online timber & masonry design course (or books)
i'm looking for a correspondance / on-line course to take to learn timber design and masonry design.  not necessarily from the same school or class.  i have recently changed jobs, never having had to design with either and now my new job will require much in the way of both timber and masonry design or at least analysis of existing conditions.
does anyone know of on-line courses that offer this?  or perhaps at least good reference books to purchase so i can teach myself as much as possible?
masonry designer's guide mdg-4.
reinforced masonry engineering handbook by amrhein.
design of wood structures by breyer.
you have asked the right question, here we go:
"reinforced masonry design" by schneider & dickey is another great reference - it's out of print and based on older codes (last revision was '93) - but it's well written with concise examples and should give you a good grasp of fundamentals.  amazon is selling a paperback reprint, in case you can't find an original.
also, don't forget to go straight to the source - for learning wood design you'll need a copy of the nds, even if the office provides them it's cheap enough that getting your own is helpful.
be sure to check out this page on my website
one more thought for now, i see you are not a   
great references guys.  i had a few of the books on the list i started already, but now that list got a lot bigger.  thanks for help.
if you want something formal and for credit, check out:
asce has a three part video course on wood and currently offers a seminar on wood design. check their website for prices and dates.
for masonry, look at the mcma tek notes.  very complete and well done.  they are available from this particular masonry vendor's website.  i recommend these with the masonry designer's guide.
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