ontario building code 2006 - vehicle live loads
i"m told that the obc 2006 vehicle live loads are as follows:
area load is 12kpa
wheel point load is 54kn.
working down in the states i don't have access to this code. could some please verify this and provide the length and width of the wheel.
thank you in advance for your assistance.
vehicle live loads as per obc are as follows:
uniform loads
garages for passenger cars = 2.4 kpa
unloaded buses and light trucks = 6.0 kpa
loaded buses and trucks and all other trucking spaces = 12.0 kpa
concentrated loads (over 0.75m x 0.75m area)
11.0 kn for passenger cars
18.0 kn for vehicles not exceeding 3600 kg gross weight
36.0 kn for vehicles 3600kg to 9000kg
54.0 kn for vehicles over 9000kg
54.0 kn for driveways and sidewalks over areaways and basements.
there is some discussion that the newer types of fire vehicles may exceed the above noted loads.
i do not what you are desiging but like aashtto we have cbhdc . so make sure which loads r u designing for. than we ahve candian steel and cocnrete codes.
you are going to carry out structural design without access to the governing code? do you think that is prudent?
the 2006 obc states that (1) that the specified live load due to possible concentrations of load resulting from the use of an area of floor or roof shall be applied over an area of 750mmx750mm located so as to cause maximum effects.
also, using the obc, live loads and dead loads must be factored. |