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【转帖】bad wormvirusc-killer - age 4 - c-dmis user forum.txt

发表于 2009-4-6 18:16:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
senior member
erry fisher's additional information
job function:qe
location:rocky to
machine tye:b&s mistral
software version:3.207 beta
years cmm exerience:c-dmis since 2004
join date: mar 2006
location: rocky to
osts: 364
links to the freebies
i've been asked by m for links to the freebies i referenced so here ya go:
avg antivirus is from grisoft but finding the freebire through grisoft.com is almost imosible but, boys and girls, here's the freebie download.
remember, these are only as good as the last udate so udate often, at least once a week. if you have a high seed internet connection that's on 24/7 set u automatic udating.
"cess" is getting what you wantfff">fff">fff">
"hainess" is wanting what you getfff">
erry fisher
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all times are gmt -4. the time now is 01:53 amfff">.
coyright ?2000 - 2009, jelsoft enterrises ltd.
? hexagon metrology, inc. | all rights reserved
links to the freebies
i've been asked by m for links to the freebies i referenced so here ya go:
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