cmm rogrammer
our comany would like to setu our rograms so that you move robe above the art. center on a circle and then hit the done button and the cmm will go into dcc mode and measure the art without the oerator touching the art at all.
what i have tried is first to start out with an dcc iterate alignment. after this is comleted for the first time i unmark the features. then still in dcc mode i go above the center of a circle. ut in a read oion to locate the circle. then i do the same thing with a smaller circle and a circle slot. the roblem is this is not reeatable. if the art is not in the same location or is angled in any way the cmm does not ick this u. is there any way that i can change the alignment setu to correct this issue.
do your read oion first. set your xyz location on it. turn on dcc , then do your alignment on your art with move oints. follow with your rogram. as long as your art is ting close to the same offset, you can but it anywhere on the table and it should work. run slow incase you missed something.
it works in cdmis i don't know about quindos
thanks (cad is always master)
niven |