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ram connection - opinions

发表于 2009-9-15 16:24:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ram connection - opinions?
we had an online demonstration of ram connection last week and it looks like it could save us a lot of time.  currently we model our structures (mostly industrial steel structures) in risa-3d and design connections by hand based on the highest loaded members.  some of the other engineers in our office have used connection programs before (descon i believe?) and said they were pretty limited in what you can do.  ram connection currently uses asd 3rd edition or lrfd 9th edition but will be upgrading to aisc 13th code checking next month.  i'm wondering if anybody out there has used this before, or has any opinions?  we are pretty convinced that we will be purchasing a few seats in the near future, but thought i would check to see if anyone has any personal experience with this program - thanks!
check out our whitepaper library.
i use it and if you are use to working with ram advanse it is pretty much the same interface.  getting started is a little awkward, i usually have to review the tutorial.  
it has a lot of different connection types available.  but you pretty much have to stick to conventional connections.  it does a lot of checks i might ignore or not consider if i had done it by hand.  sometimes this is helpful, sometimes frustrating.
the output is nice.  good if you have to submit calculations.  you get a nice 3d model of the connection and you can dxf the connection details to use in a cad program.
by the way i am only referring to the standalone version.  trying to design a bunch of connections at once seems much more complicated.
it's the only connection software i have used, but i would recommend it.  that's good to hear the 13th edition is being incorporated soon.  it is less conservative on bolt shear capacities.      
there is no need to use this for shear connections is there?  you wouldn't document a different shear connection for every   
i use it and overall it is pretty good.   we use the standalone as well as the version that can upload your ram models.  
it is good for the basic/standard connection types.  i love the 3d model of the connection that you can build.  we use it alot to check shop drawings for our building designs.  we can quickly assign connections and check the fabricator supplied connections, particulary helpful for the braced frame connections.
non-standard connections can be analyzed, but it is probably better to do in the stand-alone version.  
it is the only connection software i have used, and i like it  
strleit, the target audience is mostly folks who design connections for a living.  i really don't think there'd be enough need at a general structural firm for the program.
thanks for responding, that does help to give me a better idea of how useful it may be.  we typically do the general engineering as well as connections.  a lot of the industrial structures we run into can have some pretty high brace forces (300k or more when taking into account seismic overstrength factor), in addition to having some pretty complicated geometry.  we also run into a lot of different bracing connection details for the same structure to accomodate various mechanical equipment.  i have found that by performing all of the checks done in the aisc 13th connection examples - i end up with a lot of handwritten calcs!  i sometimes spend a few days just designing the various connections, and sketching details for the drafters.  it sounds like with all the checks this program performs and the output to dxf - it could definitely save time and pay for itself pretty quick.  thanks again for the input!
we have been using ramconnections for little over a year. we are an ae firm. on several of our jobs, the fabricator / detailers had no clue how to design and detail brace / mf connections meeting the seismic detailing. this program is quite good. the associated costs would be paid of in a job or two.
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