shelf angle for round concrete column
if the column has not been poured yet, you could embedded a steel plate with strap anchors and shear key (if necessary.)
the shelf angle or clip angles could be bolted or welded to the plate, and bolted to the beam.
if the column is existing, anchor bolts drilled and epoxy into the column would be needed to connect the shelf angle or connection plates to the column.
i have seen steel clamps around square and round concrete poles used in power lines. maybe you could check with power transmission line hardware suppliers.
in the past we have used channels, oriented vertically, with their legs turned toward the column, to anchor other structural items. the channel's legs make it self-centering on the round column section, and the channel may be made as wide and as long as necessary to provide for adequate anchoring. this is especially handy for attaching girts to existing concrete columns and piers to allow retrofitting siding to a structure.
pouring (visitor)25 jul 02 12:30
thanks for the responses. they were very helpful. |