pc-dmis vision cad, anyone?
anyone here use the cad otion on this software? anyone actually buy this option? i'm interested, so lease share.
programming from cad on c-dmis vision gives all the benefits it does on cmms. you can program fully vision features from cad, online or offline. you can block select features (e.g. a series of circles) and create circle features with a single click. all of the targets needed to acquire the oints will auto generate. for offline, as well as rogramming from the cadview, you can rogram from the liveview in our "cadcamera" simulated live view. if you're more comfortable rogramming by clicking on the features in the "live view", then this makes offline aear the same as online. you can see the effects of changes to illumination and magnification in the cadcamera generated live view.
i have to get to a show. i would like to see this in action. sounds very interesting.
james mannes
c-dmis 2009
dataage +
jamesmannes |