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structural engineering design and drafting software

发表于 2009-9-16 11:14:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
structural engineering design and drafting software
i am in search of structural engineering design and drafting software. any idea?
check out our whitepaper library.
staad /pro does analysis & design together. strudl is another one. safi is a good analysis program. if you are interested in rc frames, check out www.roynshenoy.com and then software section. a good column design software is there. coldes.
automation of detailing( drafting) is not that simple. it requires lots of engineer's interventions. some packages are available, but are not that good. siplest solution isa to write your own autolisp modules to work with autocad. good luck.
i found structural design and drafting software at www.eaglepoint.com i will check the strudl and the others.
also i came accros a program "spacegass" it is d&a program.
i would like to thank to shenoy for the help.
intergraph's frameworks plus is a good structural design program which interfaces with staad3, gtstrudl and intergraph's microstation programs. if you have microstation you should try to get frameworks! good luck!
jae (visitor)3 dec 99 17:03
from recent modern steel construction polls taken of structural engineering software, risa 3d is by far the most popular. i have used it for years and feel it gives you the best bang for the buck. i have used staad iii and md strudl (now gtstrudl) on previous projects and while they are very advanced, i did not find them as user friendly. eagle point (previously ecom) is ok but i have always had trouble with their user interface quality and we currently avoid them.
it is difficult to find a program that does both design and drafting well. our company combines spacegass (analysis and design)with autocad (drafting). the analysis and design side is fairly good with easy export of designs via dxf files to autocad for drafting (and vice versa). other programs can be utilised in a similar way. the best advise would be to ensure that your drafting package is a commonly used industry standard, such as autocad or microstation and that the design package can export a reliable dxf file.
good luck with your search.
no one program is best for everybody, but i have found that "visual analysis", by ies, is a good, all-around, economical program that will do most of what the average structural engineer needs, without breaking the company budget. i hope this lead helps.
sap2000 is a very good prog. for analysis and desing using fea...all kind of structures linear and nonlinear
staad pro also do the same as sap2000
safe is a program for designing slabs
etabs is a program for designing frames
autocad is a  great program for drafting
lackerman (visitor)9 jul 00 0:14
ramsteel integates structural steel design with autocad.  you can import or export drawings for analysis and design.  analyzes and designs complete floor and roof structures and columns using steel beams or joists.  also does composite design and frames. very powerful but easy to use.
i have used eaglepoint's c-straad (a dos based program) for a few years now and found it to be very accurate.
its windows based successors are struct-pro and frame analysis & design.  these are very powerful and will run under autocad or intellicad.  you can set up the model within the cad environment and then perform the analysis.
i do not resist to advise you a surfing into  
3d+ from csc
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