what is the easiest way to have a hoto of a art setu o u when the program starts. then have the operator click ok or equivalent to continue.
you can also insert object. the hel file will walk you through this.
i don't know if this will work in pc-dmis, it works great in geomeasure and you might try it.
here is the code for calling the external, you will need a jeg or bitma, no word or excell files. it has a "wait" statement in it and it will close when you're ready.
call/extern,sys,'cmm ict2.exe c:\cmm ics\youric.jg',wait
attached is the executable for the picture viewer. load the viewer into the pc-dmis directory. i have my ics in my "cmm ics" folder on the hard drive.
duane wade
thanks for all of your inuts. sounds like there are multiple otions out there. i intend to use the pictures in all of out programs so i will ost what i find as the most universally acceted method in our facility.
thanks again,
in virtual dmis here is a simle code line. i`m not @ work to check & see if it is true dmis or a command exclusive to vdmis. i am sure @ least art of it is true dmis.
decl/intgr,common |