truck wheel disperion angle in slab
try to justify the truck wheel load dispersion angle as 1:1.5 (vertical:horizontal) in concrete slab. where can i get the reference? thank you.
that's probably close. can't recall a reference on that other than yoder and witczak.
you can compute using an elastic layer analysis program (elsym5 or similar).
"formulas for stress and strain" shows a load case for square or circular load areas on a semi-infinite body. however, they don't show a load distribution, just the maximum stress in the semi-infinite body. anyway, the reference for those is timoshenko & goodier's "theory of elasticity". don't be surprised if getting stresses down in the body requires evaluating series expressions.
"structural engineering handbook" mentions a 30 degree distribution, then refers to newmark's influence chart, based on boussinesq's equation (which is presumably what is in timoshenko's work above).
according to fig. r10.17 p. 132 of aci 319-99, this angle might be 1 vertical to 2 horizontal.
good luck.
it should be aci 318-99, right? thank you.
thank all of you. i appreciate it. |