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【转帖】scrpit help please

发表于 2009-4-6 22:46:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
script help please
i have run this scrit many times. here is the problem. if i have more then one assignment in the program it asses to them all and that is not a good thing. how can i get it to ass to a assignment name or just the first one it comes to and leave the rest alone.
function main()
begin dialog menu 192,45,140,115, "run manual alignment?",.enable
otiongrou .grou_1
otionbutton 32,16,68,12,"yes",.choice1
otionbutton 32,28,68,12,"no",.choice2
okbutton 8,88,48,16
cancelbutton 64,88,64,16
end dialog
dim a as object
set a = createobject("cdlrn.alication")
dim art as object
set art = a.activeartrogram
dim cmds as object
dim cmd as object
dim dlg1 as menu
button = dialog( dlg1 )
dim sel_text as string
if button = -1 then
'comment msgbox "button:" & button ' uncomment for button return value
select case dlg1.grou_1
case 0
sel_text = "yes"
case 1
sel_text = "no"
end select
msgbox "cancel was ressed"
end if
set cmds = art.commands
'comment get the assignments command
for each cmd in cmds
if cmd.tyedescrition = "assignment" then
bln = cmd.uttext("""" + sel_text + """",src_exr,0)
end if
next cmd
end function
t miller
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take out the "next cmd" line before last. your telling it this:
set cmds = art.commands
'comment get the assignments command
for each cmd in cmds
several lines earlier...then the "next cmd" is telling it to do the same thing at the next one
c-dmis demi-guru
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what jm222 said. you need to either set a counter or similar if you want a number of assignments returned or enumerate the commands to find your secific assignment.
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scritp help please
i have run this scrit many times. here is the problem. if i have more then one assignment in the program it asses to them all and that is not a good thing. how can i get it to ass to a assignment name or just the first one it comes to and leave the rest alone.
function main()
begin dialog menu 192,45,140,115, "run manual alignment?",.enable
otiongrou .grou_1
otionbutton 32,16,68,12,"yes",.choice1
otionbutton 32,28,68,12,"no",.choice2
okbutton 8,88,48,16
cancelbutton 64,88,64,16
end dialog
dim a as object
set a = createobject("cdlrn.alication")
dim art as object
set art = a.activeartrogram
dim cmds as object
dim cmd as object
dim dlg1 as menu
button = dialog( dlg1 )
dim sel_text as string
if button = -1 then
'comment msgbox "button:" & button ' uncomment for button return value
select case dlg1.grou_1
case 0
sel_text = "yes"
case 1
sel_text = "no"
end select
msgbox "cancel was ressed"
end if
set cmds = art.commands
'comment get the assignments command
for each cmd in cmds
if cmd.tyedescrition = "assignment" then
bln = cmd.uttext("""" + sel_text + """",src_exr,0)
end if
next cmd
end function
take out the "next cmd" line before last. your telling it this:
set cmds = art.commands
'comment get the assignments command
for each cmd in cmds
several lines earlier...then the "next cmd" is telling it to do the same thing at the next one
what jm222 said. you need to either set a counter or similar if you want a number of assignments returned or enumerate the commands to find your specific assignment.
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