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which is the most economical building system for 40 storey b

发表于 2009-9-16 21:01:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
which is the most economical building system for 40 storey b
respected sir,
  if iam doing designing and analysis " for determining the most economical building system for 40 storey building" , what in your opinion is the most economical system like shear wall or tabular system or any other...and why ?
  actually iam doing a research work on this topic and i want to get maximum information on this. as in our country the tallest building is of 32 storey.
  what kind of software should i use which is easly avaiable for its design and analysis ( like for gravitational loads and environment loads ) .
   i also have to work out quantities of concrete and steel so iam also looking for a software for quantity and estimating calculations .
   please send me some information about this
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check the 'structural engineering handbook' by gaylord&gaylord, in which all systems for tall buildings are discussed briefly and solved examples are given. you can use many programs to see your goal. it depends on their availability. for example try sap2000.
after doing what gourile proposed, then you will have a 3d model and you can get weight of the structure from software reports. and then i suggest you go on to analyze non-material costs. depending on availability of techniques for erection,transportation, shopwork there may be larger costs.
in your later stages you should, i believe, use some sort of benchmarks based on the data you collect. i have never designed such a tall structure, but for 5-6 storey buildings in my area, i know that steel joists tend to weigh a good percent of total weight and i usually rely on 50kg/m2 per platform where steel deck is used. and i would go on calculating total floor beam/joist wt. and finally again using my judgement on this kind of structures, i would estimate weight of bracing simply as percent of total floor wt.
i hope this general approach helps out. as i said before,except for communication towers or elevator supports i have never before designed a tall building, and i am also interested in the subject.
fazlur khan has a good article on the subject also. try him for example in fintel's handbook of concrete engineering.
good luck
i suggest u get hold of:
structural design of tall concrete and masonry buildings
volumes sc,sc,sb and cb
published by asce
( council on tall buildings and urban habitat )
staad is a very good sw too.
i think the economy of a such a structure depends on the materials available, the skill of the labour, skill of the designer and the  loading etc....  
only you can really answer your question but as an example, where i work steel must be imported and the work force has low skill.  this means that we predominantly use reinforced concrete structures for tall buildings.
land is also in short supply which negates the use of structural steel and precast elements in all but certain buildings.
gravity loads from the concrete structures are large which influence our choice of foundations.  
we also experience heavy cyclonic winds which shear/core  wall structres efficiently resist.  the rc strucutres can also be used for aseimic design although this is not within my experience.
there are many software packages available for the analysis and design of tall buildings but the common one here is etabs.
when we are selecting the structural form we commonly do preliminary calculations by hand for typical elements.  these are quick and easy and give a good understanding of the economy of the structure.
i'm sure your 40 storey building will not be too different from the 32 storey one there!
hope the above gives you an insight into the thought process.  a good book on various structural systems is tall building structures analysis and design by bryon stafford smith and alex coull.
dear colleagues,
in order to take column buckling lengths equal to unity and use aisc-asd design procedures, can we use pdelta analysis taking notional forces into account arising from imperfections and shall notional forces be included in pdelta combination in conjunction with dead and live loads. if buckling lengths are taken to unity with an appropriate analysis, aisc requires max kl/r as 200 for columns, how can this be checked as taking k=1, or is this requiremet no longer valid.
you can try using strap software. it is a user-friendly software and can analyze and design structures easily. after making several design options, you can compare the cost of each type. about strap software, please visit atirsoft.com for more info.
sap 2000 , stad, strap are all usefull software , but you have to go for the one which is easily availabe as the results are more or less same. as far as economy is concern i agree with new-builders that it most importantly dependends on the regoin where you are designing it. ;)
and one thing more
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