wind load on railway signs
any ideas where to find estimates for wind loads caused by a train passing by a traffic sign? taking train's max speed (e.g. 200 mph) will give forces which are in my opinion too high. any suggestions?
first of all you must say what's the distance from traffic sign to the axis of the train (ag).
then you have to consider the aeredynamics of your train (k = aerodynamic factor).
for examples:
ag = 2.3 meter
q1k = 1.75 kn/m2 (wind load)
k = 1 (bad aerodynamic)
= 0.85 (quite good aerodynamic)
= 0.60 (good aerodynamic)
q = k*q1k (wind load)
bye bye
ing. nicola
if the train in question really does go 200 mph, i would think you'd be able to get some input from the manufacturer of the equipment.
try this link: