wood sheathing on hip roof (diaphram action)
hi all,
i am working on a church that approx. square 100'*100'. the exterior masonry walls will serve as the only shear walls. the roof will be construted as a hip roof. when i am designing the diaphram (roof sheathing) for a hip roof how do you deal with the different orientation of the sheathing when your establishing the diapharm case as in the awc table 3.1 for allowble shear? (i'm referrng to page sw-10). thanks in advance for your help.
use the lesser value. if you're close to the value you need, use your engineering judgement.
with a 100' by 100' building, i'd guess you won't have diaphragm problems.
agree with aggieyank. i'd like to add straps across the hip beams to tie the roof joists at 48" on center max. |