问题一致:Internet Explorer is currently running with add-ons disabled,大致描述了他是多么多么的无奈,多么多么的痛苦,就是解决不了,来坛子里讨教来了。
解决办法:删除所有IE快捷方式,替换为c:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
1:ok to fix the problem click on start then IE icon to open properties then shortcut click on find target click on IE shortcut to open internet if there is not the yellow bar send that shortcut to desktop (the problem was the shortcut)
2:Thanks! The add-ons were not the problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a bad target! Thanks! You got it right. It worked immediately.Delete the icon in the start menu. When you start the application/explorer a new fresh icon will appear and it works! Wow!
3:I experienced the same problem.
It seems that IE is launched always from "All Programs"->"Accessories"->"System Tools".
Checking the properties of IE shortcut in this location shows that IE is launched with additional parameter "-extoff" (look at the "Target"). This may mean that switch off all "Add-ons" before start IE. Then even "Manage Add-ons" under "Tools" is grayed.
The IE shortcut which you used to launch IE must have same situation. Just deleting "-extoff" will give you a normal IE with enabled Add-ons.
I did exactly this, and voila! done. Now I don't get the bar that says add-ons are disabled.
<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden"> |