Tessellate a Body Example (C#)
This example shows how to tessellate a body.
' Preconditions: Part is open and contains a body.
' Postconditions: Body is tessellated.
using System;
using SldWorks;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Class1
/// <summary>
/// Main entry point for the application
/// </summary>
static void Main(string[] args)
// Connect to SolidWorks
SldWorks.SldWorks swApp = new SldWorks.SldWorksClass();
// Get the active document
SldWorks.ModelDoc2 swModel = swApp.IActiveDoc2;
// Get the document title
String title = swModel.GetTitle();
// Cast down to a part
SldWorks.PartDoc swPart = (SldWorks.PartDoc)swModel;
// Variant is returned, which can be dealt with as an object
// Variant represents an array of references
System.Object vBodies;
System.Array aBodies;
// Get bodies
vBodies = swPart.GetBodies2((int)SwConst.swBodyType_e.swAllBodies, false);
// Cast to an array of bodies
aBodies = (System.Array)vBodies;
int iNumBodies = aBodies.Length;
int iNumSolidBodies = 0;
int iNumSheetBodies = 0;
// Loop through array
SldWorks.Body2 swBody;
for (int b = 0; b < iNumBodies; b++)
// Get a body and apply cast
swBody = (SldWorks.Body2)aBodies.GetValue(b);
// Now call a method on a body
int nBodyType = swBody.GetType();
if (nBodyType == (int)SwConst.swBodyType_e.swSheetBody)
if (nBodyType == (int)SwConst.swBodyType_e.swSolidBody)
SldWorks.Face2 swFace = null;
SldWorks.Tessellation swTessellation = null;
bool bResult = false;
// Pass in null so the whole body will be tessellated
swTessellation = (Tessellation)swBody.GetTessellation(null);
// Set up the Tessellation object
// Required data
swTessellation.NeedFaceFacetMap = true;
swTessellation.NeedVertexParams = true;
swTessellation.NeedVertexNormal = true;
// How to handle matches across common edges
swTessellation.MatchType = (int)SwConst.swTesselationMatchType_e.swTesselationMatchFacetTopology;
// Do it
bResult = swTessellation.Tessellate();
// Get the number of vertices and facets
int iNumVertices = swTessellation.GetVertexCount();
int iNumFacets = swTessellation.GetFacetCount();
// Now get the facet data per face
int[] aFacetIds;
int iNumFacetIds;
int[] aFinIds;
int[] aVertexIds;
double[] aVertexCoords1;
double[] aVertexCoords2;
// Add sketch for this body
// Speed things up
// Insert sketch
// Loop over faces
swFace = (Face2)swBody.GetFirstFace();
while (swFace != null)
aFacetIds = (int[])swTessellation.GetFaceFacets(swFace);
iNumFacetIds = aFacetIds.Length;
for (int iFacetIdIdx = 0; iFacetIdIdx < iNumFacetIds; iFacetIdIdx++)
aFinIds = (int[])swTessellation.GetFacetFins(aFacetIds[iFacetIdIdx]);
// There should always be three fins per facet
for (int iFinIdx= 0; iFinIdx < 3; iFinIdx++)
aVertexIds = (int[])swTessellation.GetFinVertices(aFinIds[iFinIdx]);
// Should always be two vertices per fin
aVertexCoords1 = (double[])swTessellation.GetVertexPoint(aVertexIds[0]);
aVertexCoords2 = (double[])swTessellation.GetVertexPoint(aVertexIds[1]);
// Create a line
swModel.CreateLine2(aVertexCoords1[0], aVertexCoords1[1], aVertexCoords1[2], aVertexCoords2[0], aVertexCoords2[1], aVertexCoords2[2]);
swFace = (Face2)swFace.GetNextFace();
// Close sketch
// Clear selection for next pass
// Restore settings
swModel.SetAddToDB (false);