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【转帖】selecting and examining parts

发表于 2009-4-12 19:34:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
selecting and examining parts
hello there,
i have problems to examine the underlying structures when selecting a part in the graphic display (assembly mode).
the first thing i do is to set the selection filter to swselsolidbodies. if the user clicks the part the function partselection_selected handles the userinput:
private sub btn_partselection_click(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles btn_partselection.click
'iswapp is the sw application object
swmodel = iswapp.activedoc
dim selfils(0) as long
selfils(0) = swselecttype_e.swselsolidbodies
iswapp.setselectionfilters(selfils, true)
if swmodel.gettype = swdocumenttypes_e.swdocassembly then
iassembly = swmodel
addhandler iassembly.newselectionnotify, addressof me.partselection_selected
end if
end sub
public function partselection_selected() as integer handles iassembly.newselectionnotify
if swmodel.gettype = swdocumenttypes_e.swdocassembly then
iassembly = swmodel
removehandler iassembly.newselectionnotify, addressof me.partselection_selected
end if
dim swselmgr as iselectionmgr
swselmgr = swmodel.selectionmanager
dim cnt as integer
dim retobjtype as integer
cnt = swselmgr.getselectedobjectcount2(-1)
if cnt <> 1 then
iswapp.sendmsgtouser2("select only one part.", swmessageboxicon_e.swmbinformation, swmessageboxbtn_e.swmbok)
retobjtype = swselmgr.getselectedobjecttype3(1, -1)
select case retobjtype
case swselecttype_e.swselsolidbodies
iswapp.sendmsgtouser2("part selected.", swmessageboxicon_e.swmbinformation, swmessageboxbtn_e.swmbok)
' -------------------
' how do i procced ?
' -------------------
retobj = swselmgr.getselectedobject6(1, -1)
system.windows.forms.messagebox.show(retobj.tostring(), "retobjtype", windows.forms.messageboxbuttons.ok)
case else
iswapp.sendmsgtouser2("select a part.", swmessageboxicon_e.swmbinformation, swmessageboxbtn_e.swmbok)
system.windows.forms.messagebox.show(retobjtype.tostring(), "seltype", windows.forms.messageboxbuttons.ok)
end select
end if
end function
how do i get the underlying component ? in the documentation i have seen that return value of the function getselectedobject6 is not documented for swselsolidbodies. i haven&acute;t also found a way to get the name of the selected part so that i can select the component directly. is there an general way to access the objects when getselectedobject6 returns not the desired object. is there an other way to set the selectionfilters when i want the users to select a part?
thanks in advance
matthias senff
i'll get you eh steve, if it's the last thing i dooooo!
answer thanks for the quick reply.
matthias senff
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