cut list item renaming
i'm trying to make a macro that renames cut list folders and sets each partnumber property to be the same. it works, but for structural member items it does not update the "length@@@cut-list-item1@.." property so the cut list on the sheet has 0.0 length. manually renaming the folder by hand automatically changes the length custom property. manually changing the length property doesn't stick, it goes back to cut-list-item1 automatically. help!
snippet of code:
sub main()
dim swapp as sldworks.sldworks
set swapp = application.sldworks
dim doc as sldworks.modeldoc2: set doc = swapp.activedoc
dim partdoc as sldworks.partdoc: set partdoc = doc
dim f as feature: set f = doc.firstfeature
dim n as integer: n = 0
dim num as string
do while not f is nothing
if f.gettypename = "cutlistfolder"
n = n + 1
if n < 1000 then
num = "-" + right(str$(n), len(str$(n)) - 1)
end if
if n < 100 then
num = "-0" + right(str$(n), len(str$(n)) - 1)
end if
if n < 10 then
num = "-00" + right(str$(n), len(str$(n)) - 1)
end if
if f.custompropertymanager.add("partnumber", "text", left(doc.gettitle, len(doc.gettitle) - 7) + num) then
end if
f.name = left(doc.gettitle, len(doc.gettitle) - 7) + num
end if
set f = f.getnextfeature
end sub
quick |