bom table option
i have a few questions
does anyone know how to set the part configuration grouping options of the bom through the api?
also, if i have general table that should go under the bom how can i change the anchor point so that the tables align?
thanks very much
edited: 10/15/2008 at 06:40 pm by vincent nesbitt
without testing anything i would presume the following:
to set the display as one item check box use bomfeature:isplayasoneitem
to set the position of the general table use generaltablefeature::gettableannotations then from the table annotation use tableannotation::getannotation to get an annotation object, then from that object use annotation::setposition.
to get the position of the bom you will have to play around with getting the number of rows, the row heights and the position of the table to work out the bounds.
thanks luke,
i was able to get the positioning working.
i should have been more specific in regards to configuration grouping options. the option im looking to set is the "display configurations with the same name as one item". this is one of the radio button options under the "display as one item number" checkbox. i dont see an option like this under the bomfeature object unless im missing something..
thanks again
i dont believe there is an option i think you need to loop all components and set the components to the bom, bit tricky
i think this is what i have to do. how can i set the components to the bom so that different components will all point to the same item on the bom - i need this for autobalooning? i know how to loop through the bom but is there a command to set the component to an item on the bom ?
thank for the help
quick |