c# api reference
i am using c#. can anyone tell me where i can find reference of solidworks c# api reference?
many thanks
in vs right-click project explorer, select add reference... then com, then you add:
sldworks 200x type library
solidworks 200x commands type library
solidworks 200x constants type library
solidworks 200x exposed type libraries for add-in use
dear luke,
thank you very much for the information provided. i am using sdk so that the references have been added by itself.
i am sorry that i didn't ask question clearly. i want reference materials such as api handbook. i just found that you published one book. i have ordered one online.
thanks again for your help.
dear luke,
i am asking the question as there is only vb and c++ function description in solidworks api help file. but i am using c#.
hope you enjoy the book. |