can't figure out how get 3d pdf option enabled
please forgive my ignorance, but i am a novice programmer.
can anyone post a code snippet showing how to enable the 3d pdf save as export option.
including the modeldocextension.saveas syntax would also be greatly appreciated.
john picinich
cadimensions inc. | 14 computer drive east | albany | ny | 12205 | usa
phone: 518-438-0647 | fax: 518-438-0761 |
we are still a teksoft reseller. you will see our company and access mfg. listed on the teksoft website as resellers in ny.
regarding the us open, unfortunately i've never been.
best regards,
john picinich
cadimensions inc. | 14 computer drive east | albany | ny | 12205 | usa
phone: 518-438-0647 | fax: 518-438-0761 |
option explicit
dim swapp as sldworks.sldworks
dim swmodel as sldworks.modeldoc2
dim swmodeldocext as sldworks.modeldocextension
dim swexportpdfdata as sldworks.exportpdfdata
dim boolstatus as boolean
dim filename as string
dim lerrors as long
dim lwarnings as long
sub main()
' path to which to save pdf file of drawing
filename = "c:\file.pdf"
set swapp = application.sldworks
swapp.visible = true
' open specified drawing
set swmodel = swapp.opendoc6("c:\file.slddrw", swdocdrawing, swopendocoptions_silent, "", lerrors, lwarnings)
set swmodeldocext = swmodel.extension
set swexportpdfdata = swapp.getexportfiledata(1)
swexportpdfdata.exportas3d = true
if swexportpdfdata is nothing then msgbox "nothing"
boolstatus = swexportpdfdata.setsheets(swexportdata_exportallsheets , nothing)
boolstatus = swmodeldocext.saveas(filename, 0, 0, swexportpdfdata, lerrors, lwarnings)
end sub
thank you for your assistance!
i was attempting to integrate this functionality into an older macro written by one of my co-workers.
not an easy job when you are a programming novice, dealing with unfamliar new and legacy api calls.
everything is now working perfectly!!
john picinich
cadimensions inc. | 14 computer drive east | albany | ny | 12205 | usa
phone: 518-438-0647 | fax: 518-438-0761 |
when i tested your code with a drawing of mine, the macro created the file like it was supposed to, but there was no 3d data in the pdf. i see the solidworks ui dialog boxes only allows you to save as a 3dpdf in assembly or part mode. was there supposed to be a 3d portion in the pdf file generated? if not, is there a way to have solidworks save 3d data with the drawing data in a single pdf file?
kevin kenny, cswp
sw 2009 sp3.0
hp xw4300
no the way sw converts drawings to other formats is to just export the single plane projected line data so it always ends up as a 2d drawing, with the exception of edrawing files
if you have a copy of adobe acrobat 3d, you can add 3d models in your pdf files. |