strange "insertpart2"
dear all,
i got a strange problem when developing an add-in for solidworks 2008. the add-in process is:
1. create empty part document
2. insert a part using "insertpart2" api function (c# - vs2005)
we want to insert a large part into the document. our problem is that "insertpart2" returns null when we run the add-in for the first time (and the part is not inserted) while it returns the handle of the inserted part (and the part is inserted) when we run the add-in again. we tested the add-in by using a small part. "insertpart2" can insert the small part for the first time. does anyone have any idea about this?
many thanks
sounds like a timing problem. your code is continuing on before swx has responded w/ the handle given the size of the part and the time it's taking to process.
my code in c# is as follows:
swfeat = swpart.insertpart2(path, (int)swinsertpartoptions_e.swinsertpartimportsolids);
where swfeat is a "feature" object, swpart is "partdoc" object, and path is string containing the full path of the file.
how can i know when swx responses? i can only check the returned value - "swfeat" and see if it is null. does anyone have any solution for it? thanks
the following is my test code in c# (vs2005). it works fine for file (with size of severall k) but get error message "obtained feature is null" if the file is large, say 18m.
bool test(isldworks iswapp)
string strfun = "test";
/// check input argument
if (iswapp == null)
messagebox.show("application is null", strfun, messageboxbuttons.ok, messageboxicon.information);
return false;
/// create a new document
string parttemplate = iswapp.getuserpreferencestringvalue((int)swuserpreferencestringvalue_e.swdefaulttemplatepart);
modeldoc2 swmod = (modeldoc2)iswapp.newdocument(parttemplate, (int)swdwgpapersizes_e.swdwgpapera2size, 0.0, 0.0);
if (swmod == null)
messagebox.show("solidworks application cannot create a new document.", strfun, messageboxbuttons.ok, messageboxicon.error);
return false;
partdoc swpart = null;
/// get part handle
if (swmod is partdoc)
swpart = swmod as partdoc;
messagebox.show("solidworks application cannot create the partdoc handle.", strfun, messageboxbuttons.ok, messageboxicon.error);
return false;
/// insert moulds
string path = @"c:\documents and settings\fguan\desktop\t3\old.sldprt";
feature swfeat = swpart.insertpart2(path, (int)swinsertpartoptions_e.swinsertpartimportsolids);
if (swfeat == null)
messagebox.show("obtained feature is null.", strfun, messageboxbuttons.ok, messageboxicon.error);
return false;
return true;
we just found out what the problem is. if the file has certain kinds of references, such as circular reference, "insertpart2" doesn't allow opening the file.
quick |