turning the mark for drawings on/off
looking for a way to auto-mate the turning off or on for dimensions the "mark for drawing" item.
is there a way that this can be done in api?
what we are doing is useing basic models for a particular reason for our drawings. we have realised that they have all of there dimensions "marked for drawing" we desire to uncheck the "mark for drawing" item off.
we know this can be done manually, but it is time consumeing and we have over 900 models to clean.
is there any specific need for that as they will appear if you use insert model item with dimensions marked for drawing selected.
deepak gupta
sw2007 sp5.0
sw2009 sp2.1
go to the api help index and type in dimension then scroll down to iterate and there is a good example
just add
swdispdim.markedfordrawing = false
to the second
do while not swdispdim is nothing loop
i have modified this example to work on assemblies
fully resolve the assembly then select everything and run this macro
to all the real programmers out there yes i know this code needs to be cleaned up but it did fix all the problems i had
option explicit
dim swapp as object
dim selmgr as object
dim part as object
dim parttitle as string
dim dot
dim itemn as string
dim comp as object
sub main()
dim i as integer
set swapp = application.sldworks
set part = swapp.activedoc
set selmgr = part.selectionmanager
parttitle = part.gettitle
for i = 1 to selmgr.getselectedobjectcount2(-1)
set comp = selmgr.getselectedobjectscomponent3(i, -1)
set part = comp.getmodeldoc
'dim swapp as sldworks.sldworks
'dim swmodel as sldworks.modeldoc2
dim swfeat as sldworks.feature
dim swsubfeat as sldworks.feature
dim swdispdim as sldworks.displaydimension
dim swdim as sldworks.dimension
dim swann as sldworks.annotation
dim bret as boolean
'set swapp = createobject("sldworks.application")
'set part = swapp.activedoc
set swfeat = part.firstfeature
debug.print "file = " & part.getpathname
do while not swfeat is nothing
debug.print " " + swfeat.name
set swsubfeat = swfeat.getfirstsubfeature
do while not swsubfeat is nothing
debug.print " " + swsubfeat.name
set swdispdim = swsubfeat.getfirstdisplaydimension
do while not swdispdim is nothing
set swann = swdispdim.getannotation
set swdim = swdispdim.getdimension
debug.print " [" & swdim.fullname & "] = " & swdim.getsystemvalue2("")
set swdispdim = swsubfeat.getnextdisplaydimension(swdispdim)
set swsubfeat = swsubfeat.getnextsubfeature
set swdispdim = swfeat.getfirstdisplaydimension
do while not swdispdim is nothing
swdispdim.markedfordrawing = false
set swann = swdispdim.getannotation
set swdim = swdispdim.getdimension
debug.print " [" & swdim.fullname & "] = " & swdim.getsystemvalue2("")
set swdispdim = swfeat.getnextdisplaydimension(swdispdim)
set swfeat = swfeat.getnextfeature
next i
end sub
cswa, cswp, cswp-smtl, sw 2009 sp2.0
hp xw4600 xp32, x9650 4gb, quadro fx3500
swapp.setuserpreferencetoggle swconst.swdrawingmarkalldimensionsfordrawing, true
solidworks 2006,2007,2008,2009 (office premium.)
core 2 duo e6850 @ 3.00 mhz
window xp pro sp3 32 bit
ati firegl v7350
that is why we want to have the dimensions to be not marked for drawing.
we know the location of the 3 dimensions that we want to use the insert model items for.
quick |