rivet callout
hello all, i'm new here and have a question:
i need to decipher a river callout on a drawing, and i'm unsure of what this symbol is.
i have a series of rivets, and pointing to one of the holes is cross with 4 quadrants. is there a standard or publication that explains this?
the cross contains:
upper left: b1
upper right: 5n
lower left: c
lower right: 5
thanks in advance.
i'm not sure what the official standard is, but here is what i have become accustomed to using:
upper left: basic code (there should be a block on the drawing defining these)
upper right: dash no. for diameter; n = head near side, f = head far side
lower right: dash no. for length
lower left: d = dimple, c = countersink
beautiful. that's exactly what i was looking, thanks a bunch.
it's been a while since i've looked at a rivet callout, i didn't even know where to look. ;)
my sincerest thanks.
here is a website that is wealth of information regarding the subject of rivets.
nas523 is the spec you need. it will decode the upper left corner for you.
so is that website and the spec riveting reading?
sorry, couldn't resist.
my neighbor works one of the machines that makes those rivets. he works a lot of overtime.
systems analyst, i.s.
solidworks 06 4.1/pdmworks 06
autocad 06
thanks for all the replies. this is a great resource, i think i'll be spending quite a bit of time here. |