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Review PR 245885 Reporting negative bonus for tertiary datum

发表于 2008-8-12 13:35:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Reporting negative bonus for tertiary datum

<< Rick Haduch  --  01/05/07  13:40:12>>
See attached program. Radial holes true-positioned to ABC, negative bonus appears for tertiary datum C. Expect value 0.0 and positive.

<< Changes made by Neil Kay -- 07/23/08  16:30:13>>
Action:  Paola Pallo to Yanhua Huang
<< Changes made by Neil Kay -- 07/23/08  10:31:37>>
Action:  David Petrizze to Paola Pallo
<< Don Turcotte  --  01/09/07  13:15:19>>
Merged into V42R.
Files inserted to server
<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 01/09/07  13:15:34>>
Action:  Don Turcotte to David Petrizze, Status:  OPEN to REVIEW
<< Tim Wernicke  --  01/09/07  11:01:51>>
Hi Don, please merge this into V42R per my e-mail.  Thanks.
<< Changes made by Tim Wernicke -- 01/09/07  11:01:52>>
Action:  David Petrizze to Don Turcotte, Status:  REVIEW to OPEN, Priority:  Critical to Stop Rel.
<< Don Turcotte  --  01/09/07  11:45:59>>
This is now fixed so the reporting correctly shows the planar zone on the tertiary datum and reports the remaining bonus in the "osition" table correctly for the datums.
Files inserted to server
<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 01/09/07  11:46:35>>
Action:  Don Turcotte to David Petrizze, Status:  OPEN to REVIEW
<< Don Turcotte  --  01/08/07  17:17:28>>
I have fixed this problem which is just a problem with how the remaining bonus is calculated for the tertiary datum which has a planar zone (a reporting issue).  The basic tp analysis is correct.  I also found a problem in the line2_pos.lbl label template which does not include the :N typeindex on the PLANAR_OPEN_IN_X DTYPE on the dimension report control activex.  I am also looking at other issues here with regard to the reported values.
<< Changes made by Tim Wernicke -- 01/05/07  13:39:15>>
Category:  Reporting to GD&T, Action:  Tim Wernicke to Don Turcotte, Assigned:   to Don Turcotte, Priority:  to Critical
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