Attached program shows analysis view of roundess in YZ plane. The analysis view window depicts a YZ orientation that does not match the part alignment - Rotated 90deg.
<< Guillermo Nevado -- 10/20/06 20:35:49>>
This is the same CRANK_SHAFT.PRG program filed with 4.2 PRs dealing with migration.
The program scans two halves of the crankshaft journals (tip changes), and these halves are comnbine into a constructed bestfit circle, and we report roundness. The circles have areas without points at the 12 and 6 o'clock posiitons when view from Xplus. The analysis view windows show the Y and Z axis as if the part alignment was rotated. That is, they show misisng data at 3 and 9 o'clock positions which is incorrect.
Steps to reproduce:
Two issues present. One is the orientation of the roundness plot points to the true coordinate system. The other is that the analsys vew window continuously resets itself to a XY (Zplus) view whenever the user makes changes to the Options or other settings within it.
I do not remember this happening in prior versions.
See attached program.
Expected Results:
Analysis view should display a tryhedron that matches the part program coordinate system.
Changes to the settings within that dialog should not affect the display unless the user does a view change or rotation.
<< Yanhua Huang -- 09/03/08 13:19:52>>
Just reviewed code. no attached test PP.
<< Changes made by Neil Kay -- 07/23/08 16:32:46>>
Action: Paola Pallo to Yanhua Huang
<< Changes made by Neil Kay -- 07/23/08 10:21:35>>
Action: David Petrizze to Paola Pallo
<< Don Turcotte -- 12/12/06 13:34:03>>
These changes also apply to generating the graphical analysis report window.
Files inserted to server
<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 12/12/06 13:34:32>>
Action: Don Turcotte to David Petrizze, Status: OPEN to REVIEW
<< Don Turcotte -- 12/12/06 13:14:53>>
This is causing problems with PR245426 so I am looking back on these changes.
<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 12/12/06 13:14:53>>
Action: David Petrizze to Don Turcotte, Status: REVIEW to OPEN
<< Don Turcotte -- 11/14/06 09:50:03>>
Fixed in V41B, V42, V43B.
Files inserted to server
<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 11/14/06 09:50:18>>
Action: Don Turcotte to David Petrizze, Status: OPEN to REVIEW
<< Don Turcotte -- 11/13/06 17:29:38>>
I have fixed this in Dim_Circ.cpp (circularity) and also in Dim_Cyly.cpp (cylindricity). I will finish testing and upload tomorrow.
<< Don Turcotte -- 11/09/06 17:20:04>>
I was able to verify this problem. I traced this to the graphical analysis which draws the points in machine coordinates instead of part coordinates. This is more obvious if you set GRAPH=ON in the dimension so the graphical analysis draws directly on the cad. I was able to come up with a temporary fix to verify that this is the problem, but I am still working on a permanent solution.
<< Changes made by Tim Wernicke -- 10/23/06 10:36:24>>
Action: Tim Wernicke to Don Turcotte, Assigned: to Don Turcotte, Priority: to Critical
<< Guillermo Nevado -- 10/20/06 20:39:22>>
Program is same one inside ZIP archive attached to PR# 244289.
Did not send again as it is a 6MB file.
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