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api rp 2a

发表于 2009-9-7 12:30:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
api rp 2a
is there any text book which explains and provides worked out examples for designing off shore structures with api rp 2a?  any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
most of the rp2a requirements are now performed by software.
it appears that you may be starting to work on offshore structures..so you will most likelyt be using softwre like sacs, strucad, sesam or others..
in these softwares, you will be able to perform all analyses and code checking through software built-in capabilities.
for more detailed studies, you can get a book called "dynamics of offshore structures" but that is a high level analysis background
thank you very much for your response.  before embarking on sacs, strucad etc - i would like to learn something about wave analysis.  can you please advice me if there is any simplified book with explanation available on this subject?
a simple book to read on the subject is:
"the structural design of offshore jackets" by dr w. visser.
isbn: 1 870553 16 0
it gives a simple explanation of wave loads and gives ways of calculating wave loads on offshore structures relatively quickly so you can check the answers given by your software.
thank you for the suggestion.  unfortunately that book is out of stock at this moment.  hopefully i will get the opportunity to read this book in the near future.
did you try the website bookfinder.com ?  they find new and used books, i've had pretty good luck with finding books i've needed.
research engineers, makers of staad.pro, has a wave load generator. check their website for documentation. they explain all the theory involved.
i highly appreciate your valuable suggestions.  i am going to explore those avenues.
i tried
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