best reinforced concrete design book
hey all
i have just graduated and have started designing some concrete members which i am not fully familiar with attenuation tanks etc. i was just wondering could anybody recommend the best concrete design book to me to offer me some clear and suitable guidance when designing concrete members. any information or web sites would be much appreciated.
this is the book i've used. very good and very standard text book for college.
wang and salmon is the stuff!
reynolds and steedman
the reinforced concrete designers handbook is very good for a non-us (metric) alternative.
while i didn't have the luxury of wang and salmon in school, i know it is a widely used textbook for all the right reasons.
i also recommend reinforced concrete: design and mechanics by james macgregor as it is outstanding also.
btw, don't forget to have something a bit up-to-date as the code refernces are in flux.
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winter & nilson, design of concrete structures is what i've had in college and have always used. seems pretty good to me.
don't by the jack mccormac "design of reinforced concrete". i used the 3rd edition. it was disjointed and confusing.
try macgregor as well.
try classic park and paulay: reinforced concrete structures if you want to go beyond basic. amazing how expensive this book is (only used available by now).
the best concrete book) and most bought and used, and referenced by aci and pca is "reinforced concrete" by edward nawy. it is practical, current, and has good explanations and examples. i might buy the new edition.
however, if you are looking for code examples, the best book is pca notes on aci 318-05. it is the most comprehensive. go to pca and order the latest. i have '05 and it is great.
if you are designing tanks, which i am doing right now, pca also has two publications for designing rectangular and circular tanks.
have been looking at all those books and thanks for all your information. just wondering is that wang & salmon book metric or imperial or can a copy of both be obtained. |