bottom flange connection
what are your opinions on underhung, or bottom flange connections?
is it acceptable to support a beam by a column that is supported or hung from the bottom flange of a beam above?
thank you!
if i understand correctly, you are hanging something on the bottom flange of a beam. make sure you check the flange local bending and web local yielding of the supporting beam --- in addition to the overall capacity.
this would be chapter k of the aisc specification. with hanger-type structures, add an additional factor for impact or hanger loading as it is not redundant.
yes it is acceptable if i understand you correctly. i would not call i t a column tho, i would call it a hanger. also when you have connections like that, pay close attention to the prying action of the hanger connection on both ends.
by the way, i have designed an entire mezzanine without any column because the client wanted a clear open floor free of columns. i had to suspend the entire mezzanine floor from the rood structure above.
good luck. |