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bs 6399-2 wind loading on cylindrical silos

发表于 2009-9-7 17:23:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
bs 6399-2 wind loading on cylindrical silos
has anyone tried to use this standard to calculate the wind load on a cylindrical silo.  i have got as far as getting the dynamic pressure, qs, but have no idea how to use table 7 to get the overall pressure coeffient.  do i have to sum all the coefficients for every angle on the periphery and resolve them parallel to the wind direction? in which case i get an overall cpe of about 5.  
should i use the maximum coefficient in the table i.e. ~70 deg?
should i use the two diametrically opposed pressure coefficients with the greatest distance?
should i use the pressure coefficient at 0deg?
btw, i have seen thread 194-76172 which unfortunately hasn't helped me.
thanks in advance.
i have tried it a couple of times in the past, but as you know there really isn't any guidance associated with it.
what i have done is to use the coeffs given and plot the pressure distribution around the structure, and from there work out the net overall pressure.
because it is cylindrical you can check what figure your get using standard drag force equations to see if you get a similar figure.
there is also a publication called "the designers guide to wind loading on building structures" by nj cook which gives some guidance.  
do you know where one could get a copy of the book by dr. cook?
i assume you are trying to determine foundation forces rather than the forces of the actual tank itself?
i don't have the code to hand so can't give you specific direction. - ussuri's method of determining the net pressure is ok but quite involved. i've always assumed that the pressures given are normal to the face so that way involves a lot of trigonometry.
unless it's critical try using the combined coefficint for 0 and 180 degrees (about 1.0 and -0.4  giving 1.4 overall if i remember correctly). this should be worse than the worst case...
elsewhere in the code it deals with forces on individual
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