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PR 245512 First line text of FCF is cropped in graphics window.

发表于 2009-1-5 19:33:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
First line text of FCF is cropped in graphics window.
<< Larry Clark  --  12/08/06  12:09:38>>
In the graphics window, the left edge of the upper text line of FCF labels is getting cropped.  It looks like about 20% of the leftmost character is getting cropped (see attached BMP).  For example, in the case of 8 X &oslash; 15 0.01 / 0.01 , the cropping makes the text appear as 3 X &oslash; 15 0.01 / 0.01.  
Steps to reproduce:
As described.
See attached BMP

<< Changes made by Neil Kay -- 12/12/08  09:25:32>>
Action:  Matt Gotch to Yanhua Huang, Assigned:  Don Turcotte to CMM Group
<< Changes made by Neil Kay -- 07/23/08  11:23:35>>
Action:  David Petrizze to Matt Gotch
<< Don Turcotte  --  04/26/07  11:00:56>>
Additional fix for 245513.
<< Don Turcotte  --  04/26/07  10:25:47>>
Fixed in V42beta and V43B.
Files inserted to server
<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 04/26/07  10:26:03>>
Action:  Don Turcotte to David Petrizze, Status:  OPEN to REVIEW
<< Bill Velle  --  01/11/07  17:26:00>>
The cropping happens with some fonts when the bitmap is first created by the GD&T logic.  By the time Graph3 gets the bitmap for the FCF it is already too late – the text is clipped.
You can check the bitmap by saving it to a temp file and looking at it with MS PAINT.  The code to do that is:
    #include "atlimage.h"
    CString tmpName;
    tmpName.Format(_T("C:\\_Bitmap%X.jpg"), (DWORD) m_hBitmap);  // A unique name, saved as JPG…
    CImage tmpImage;
    tmpImage.Attach(m_hBitmap);  // This is your HBITMAP
After the above code is executed you can look at the JPG file using MS Paint.  Whatever is in this file is displayed by Graph3.
This is what I did in Graph3 to verify the bitmap is clipped before Graph3 gets it.  
See Graph3\TextBox.CPP which uses similar code in a DEBUG build.
<< Changes made by Bill Velle -- 01/11/07  17:28:37>>
Category:  graphics to GD&T, Action:  Bill Velle to Don Turcotte, Assigned:  Bill Velle to Don Turcotte
<< Larry Clark  --  01/10/07  11:02:19>>
Please see the attachment FCF_crop.zip which contains a new part program illustrating the same problem.  The graphic font was set to the installation default which is Arial Regular 7pt.  The screen resolution was 1280 by 1024 pixels.
<< Changes made by Larry Clark -- 01/10/07  11:02:54>>
Action:  Larry Clark to Bill Velle, Status:  MOREINFO to OPEN
<< Bill Velle  --  01/10/07  11:31:37>>
Please attach the program & which fonts are being used.  The graphics window is displaying a bitmap which is created elsewhere in PC-DMIS.
<< Changes made by Bill Velle -- 01/10/07  11:31:53>>
Action:  Bill Velle to Larry Clark, Status:  OPEN to MOREINFO
<< Tim Wernicke  --  12/08/06  14:06:58>>
This can usually be worked around by changing screen resolution and/or fonts.  But, our defaults should always work.
<< Changes made by Tim Wernicke -- 12/08/06  14:07:12>>
Category:  GD&T to graphics, Action:  Tim Wernicke to Bill Velle, Assigned:  Don Turcotte to Bill Velle, Priority:  to High
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-5 19:41:24 | 显示全部楼层

回复: PR 245512 First line text of FCF is cropped in graphics window.

voidDrawFCFCallout(CPCDpart_program *m_pPartProgram, CDC *pDC, CPCDFeatCtrlFrm *pFCF, CRect *pRect, CSize *pSize, intFcfLineNum)

T:\V44B\DIMENS\GDTHELP.CPP(153): pDC->ExtTextOut(pos_x+2,pos_y, ETO_CLIPPED|ETO_OPAQUE, NULL, str, str.GetLength(), NULL); // PR245512

T:\V44B\DIMENS\GDTHELP.CPP(524): pDC->ExtTextOut(pos_x,pos_y+2, ETO_CLIPPED|ETO_OPAQUE, NULL, str, str.GetLength(), NULL); // PR245512

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