FCF profile do_math(...) called multiple times when creating or editing (F9) an FCF
<< Don Turcotte -- 06/05/07 15:27:30>>
FCF profile do_math(...) called multiple times when creating or editing (F9) an FCF. Because the profile evaluation can be time-consuming, the extra calls to do_math(...) result in exagerated delays.
Steps to reproduce:
Load attached program in V42 debug build with breakpoint on CPCDdim_profile do_math(...).
Also try F9 on existing FCF profile dimension and creating new FCF profile dimensions.
Multiple calls to do_math(...)
Expected Results:
Should be at most one call to do_math(...)
<< Changes made by Neil Kay -- 12/12/08 09:28:06>>
Action: David Petrizze to Yanhua Huang
<< Don Turcotte -- 06/08/07 14:21:26>>
Must call SetActivePage(1) to setup Advanced tab.
Files inserted to server
<< Don Turcotte -- 06/08/07 11:11:05>>
Also found unnecessary calls to SetActivePage(...) which end up invoking OnKillActive(...) and therefore do_math(...).
Fixed in V42 beta and V43B.
Files inserted to server
<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 06/08/07 11:11:24>>
Action: Don Turcotte to David Petrizze, Status: OPEN to REVIEW
<< Don Turcotte -- 06/07/07 17:30:44>>
I have identified three places where do_math(...) is called unnecessarily:
1. When creating a new profile, if you go to Advanced tab before the FCF is created, the call to CFeatCtrlFrmDlg::OnKillActive() will call RegenerateInternalCommands().
2. When you Create a new FCF profile, a call to CFeatCtrlFrmDlg::OnKillActive() causes a second call to do_math() (see #1).
3. After an FCF profile has been created, if you create a new autofeature, then do_math(...) of the profile is called as a result of call fo CEditWin::OnKillFocus() which calls update_fields() which calls update_internal_commands(...) on the feature control frame unnecessarily.
I did not see extra calls on do_math(...) during execution.
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