elevator wall footings
does anybody know of a good reference book for designing elevator wall footings?
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an elevator is supported on a mat footing quite often, because the buffer under the center of the elevator induces a large concentrated load on the footing.
agree with da.
talk to elevator supplier get loads induced on foundation from them. typically a mat foundation.
how do you analyze the mat foundation with the line load from the shaft walls?
like a slab supported on all four sides... if the shaft is 7'x9' out to out, then the pad will be about 8'x10'. if the shaft is 60k + 30k for elev + 50k for dl and ll... say 150k, then the soil pressure is about 2k/sq.ft. plus any lateral load the elevator shaft is carrying. the pad of the elevator shaft would likely be 12" min thick and be reinforced as a slab carrying a load of about 2ksf...
dik |