engineering hours for 4 -story timber motel
we are puting together a cost estimate for a 4-story timber motel design. can any body help me decide how many structural design engineering hours needed for this type of design? thanks a lot.
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but sure you'd need to know the size, complexity, ground conditions cladding arrangement etc etc before you could start estimating. thats like saying how much is a car?
there is a lot of work involved in this type of project. abnormal loads mean that you need to check all
thanks everyone, i understand it is not simple. i just want to get an idea to decide "go" or "no go". for eample, is 160 hrs enough for structural engineering design only? or just too much? thanks.
i usually stay away from calc-n-sketch only projects. start with the minimum fee for this work that you will be happy with for this job (and still win the bid), divide by the minimum hourly rate (times overhead factor) that you are willing to accept. if your gut feeling says you can do the job within that time, go for it. if not, stay away.
try figuring it up several ways and get a feel for a range of costs. for example, estimate number of sheets and fee per sheet, estimate number of hours and fee per hour, estimate fee per square foot and estimate fee as a percentage of the construction cost. check out these numbers for your past projects and get a feel for what you've been doing and what you are planning to do with this project. it's a bit of work but at least you'll have a feel for the numbers instead of throwing some hours at it.
use 4% to 6% of the estimated construction costs and provide plans, elevations, sections, and details necessary for timber construction. include review of architectural, hvac, plumbing, and finish schedule for structural coordination.
4% to 6% sounds more like what a whole design team (architect, structural, electrical, mechanical, etc) gets for design fees for typical building projects.
in my part of the world, structural fees are generally in the order of 0.5% to 0.75% of construction costs. maybe 1% if something is particularly complicated and the lead discipline is feel particularly generous that day.
i generally use anywhere from 0.5% to 2% of the estimated construction cost for the structural portion. i use the smaller percentage for the larger projects.
i also use the estimated number of sheets with a cost per sheet (drafting plus engineering), and an estimated number of hours for the engineering, based on an engineering task breakdown. i use the same number of hours of drafting as for engineering.
for residences i will use anywhere from $.075 to 1.50 per square foot, depending on the complexity. that is just for the structural calculations and redline markups. drafting would be more.
i combine the three figures, and see whsat appears to be reasonable for the project, factoring in simplicity, repetition, complexity, and other mitigating concerns.
hope this helps.
mike mccann
mccann engineering
my experience with this type of project is the architect provides drafting, and no construction phase services are included, so my fee doesn't need to be so high.
for engineering and red marking the architect's sheets, if the design is not overly complex, and you don't have to go to any meetings, 160 hours is too high. 40 to 80 hours might be more like it.
but like everyone else is saying, i know too little about the project to give you an accurate answer.
i agree that if you base the fee off of construction cost structural is generally around .75%. sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on the type of work.
for a four story wood framed i would think that the fee would be 0.75% to 1% of the estimated construction costs. |