foundation design software
i am designing a reinforced slab-on-grade foundation for 3-story structure on expansive clay soils. i am looking for a software to purchase or freeware.
try staad.foundation from rei...
you will need the geotechnical parameters for the expansive soils and allowable bearing as well as settlement from the geotechnical engineer. then just do hand calcs for for depth of footing and area of steel. reason is good commercial structural suite will run you 3 grand or more, and freeware, well you get what you pay for.
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thanks for the info. i do have a geotechnical report. i have been doing these designs by hand. it takes time to sit and design these foundations. yes some of the easy ones are typical once the design is done once. but every situation is different. i purchased strucalc 6.0 and it saved me a great deal of time.
you should also check out safe by csi.
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