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PR 253331 No update of keyword generated informations in GridControlObject o

发表于 2009-2-25 21:39:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
No update of  keyword generated informations in GridControlObject of report template
<< Andre Martin  --  02/15/08  15:06:00>>
No update of  keyword generated informations in GridControlObject of report template in PC-DMIS versions V4.2 MR2 RC 02/11/08 and V4.3 RC 02/08/08
Function ok in former versions (f.i. V4.2 MR2 RC 12/05/07)

Functionality Equivalent Command in Report Template
Inserts the part program name. =PARTNAME( )
Inserts the revision number. =REVNUM()
Inserts the serial number. =SERNUM( )
Steps to duplicate:
Create a gridcontrol objetc in a template
Add  =PARTNAME( ) to a cell
Use this template with a pp
The cell doesn't show the value of the part programm
Also =REVNUM() and =SERNUM( ) are broken.
Expected result:
The part program name, revision number and serial number.
This was working well in earlier version and seems to be broken in the last weeks.

<< Don Turcotte  --  11/21/08  09:57:58>>
Merged into V44B.
Files inserted to server
<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 11/21/08  09:58:10>>
Action:  Don Turcotte to David Petrizze, Status:  OPEN to REVIEW
<< Steve Barber  --  11/20/08  16:56:38>>
Reviewed. Looks good. Can probably go into V44B also. Seems the chages for #251757 were the root cause of this.
<< Changes made by Steve Barber -- 11/20/08  16:56:54>>
Action:  Steve Barber to Don Turcotte, Status:  REVIEW to OPEN
<< Don Turcotte  --  11/18/08  10:44:37>>
I have uploaded my change to V43B.  Steve, please review and decide if this is an appropriate change.  I have not uploaded any changes to V44B.
Files inserted to server
<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 11/18/08  10:45:19>>
Action:  Don Turcotte to Steve Barber, Status:  OPEN to REVIEW
<< Steve Barber  --  11/17/08  17:49:52>>
I have seen this type of issue before. I think we are trying to generate the output before the header? I remember Joe Zink also asking similar questions.
<< Don Turcotte  --  11/17/08  17:15:07>>
I created a test program and rtp template in V42 MR1 to verify that this worked in the earlier version.  I was then able to verify that this no longer works in V42 MR2, nor in V431 (V43 MR1).  This also does not work in V43B.  In V44B, the report using the test template rtp is completely blank.  I have attached this in "253331.7z".
The source of the problem is that when the call to CReportingData::GetHeaderFooterVar(...) occurs, the m_atoms is empty so a dummy atom is created which has no CPCDcommand * (and therefore no m_pPartProgram *).  I can modify this method so a dummy CPCDcommand * is also created with a valid m_pPartProgram * (using the PartProgram() method of CReportingData).  With this change, the report correctly shows the PARTNUM, SERNUM, and VERNUM.  But the issue is why m_atoms is empty?  The CReportingData::GetHeaderFooterVar(...)  method has not changed since the inception of V42 MR1 so something else must have changed.
<< Changes made by Don Turcotte -- 11/17/08  17:15:07>>
Action:  Reporting Group to Don Turcotte, Assigned:  Andre Martin to Don Turcotte
<< Andre Martin  --  10/31/08  09:22:51>>
In an customer reporting seminar with 15 attendees we have ascertained that this prolem is again in the actual PCDMIS- Versions 4.2MR2 and  4.3MR1.
We have tested older RC and ascertained that this is since begin of october. So I reopen this report because for the customers this functionality is very important for generating own report templates
<< Changes made by Andre Martin -- 10/31/08  09:25:06>>
Action:  Andre Martin to Reporting Group, Assigned:  Reporting Group to Andre Martin, Status:  CLOSED to OPEN
<< Changes made by Andre Martin -- 10/31/08  09:23:59>>
Status:  CLOSED to OPEN
<< Changes made by Neil Kay -- 07/29/08  13:20:59>>
Status:  OPEN to CLOSED
<< Andre Martin  --  07/25/08  15:41:13>>
Hallo Tim,
It works in the actual versions and can set to closed
Thank you.
<< Changes made by Andre Martin -- 07/25/08  15:41:31>>
Action:  Reporting Group to Andre Martin
<< Andre Martin  --  04/15/08  23:05:43>>
Hi, Is there any solution in actual PCDMIS- Versions ?
<< Changes made by Tim Wernicke -- 03/04/08  10:41:01>>
Priority:  High to Critical
<< Changes made by Tim Wernicke -- 02/15/08  09:28:47>>
Action:  Tim Wernicke to Reporting Group, Assigned:   to Reporting Group, Priority:  to High
<< Andre Martin  --  02/15/08  15:09:24>>
I have attached a doument with som screenshots
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