ibc 2000 seismic forces - whatis "component operating weight
i am trying to calculating seismic forces in ibc 2000. in equation 16-17 there is a term "wp" which is "component operating weight". the definition is not very clear. i was told that for brick wall, it is 50. could someone please elaborate what "component operating weight" stands for, and how did you arrive at that conclusion? what are the units? and what are the wp for brick, metal siding, eifs, etc.? thanks in advance.
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i don't follow this - don't you mean eq. 16-60? wp is the component weight. i don't know where you got the term "operating", unless it was unrelated to your wall, and referred to an hvac unit.
i would use simply the dead load, in pounds, as closely as you can calculate or ascertain from a table of building materials weights.
i think you mean wp (as in a capital w). that is equation 16-67 through 16-69. i am assuming that these are not the equations you want since the operating weight of the architectural, electrical, or mechanical component (all non-structural elements) is not meant for walls.
the wp (as in lower case w, mentioned by sacrebleu) is the weight of the structural element, and by "50" they may have meant 50% of the weight of the wall acts on the floor/diaphragm above and the other 50% acts on the floor/diaphragm below. make sure you read the section headers before jumping to the equations.
thanks, sacrebleu for your prompt response. use the "dead load"? but how much of the dead load to use? density of brick is about 150 pcf, i believe.
the equation is equation 16-67 in ibc 2000fff">. i am not really sure where it is in ibc 2003.
the equation is used to determine seismic forces, fp, acting on a wall of a building - lateral loads. one of the terms of this equation is "wp" and it was stated below the formula that "wp" is the "component operating weight"fff">. those are the exact words, "component operating weight".
i take it to mean the weight of the wall finish. if my take on this term is correct, i am still not sure how big of the wall should i consider. should i consider the weight of one square foot of the wall? i was told to use "wp" as "50". for a one square foot wall with a thickness of 4 in. (or 0.33ft.) and a brick density of 150 pcf, it would work out to be 50#. am i correct? i am not sure, hence my post.
any one out that who has worked on lateral seismic forces acting on walls before, appreciate your advicefff">fff">. thanks again.
thanks, zo40fff">. yes, i did mean wpfff"> (with the capital wfff">fff">.)
i am trying to calculate the seismic forces acting laterally on the brick wall of a building, and equation 16-67fff"> on page 376 of the ibc 2000fff">fff"> provided that.
the term wpfff"> was defined as "component operating weightfff">, and i take it that the value of wpfff"> has to do with what type of wall finish it is. for eifs or metal siding exterior walls, presumably the value of wpfff"> would be different.
i was just trying to get a "clearer definition"fff">fff"> of what the term means? can anyone out there in structural land help, please?
the wp term is the weight (full weight) of whatever you are dealing with. so if you have a wall, it has a weight - perhaps a weight per square foot. that weight is entered into equation 16-67, 68, or 69, and you get a lateral seismic force developed by that component.
for example, suppose you have a wall that weighs 50 lbs/sq. ft. you use the three equations to get something in the form of:
fp = p x wp
the p is the percent of wp that is thrown sideways in the seismic event.
suppose your p value is 0.25. that means that 25% of the wall weight is the lateral force that is applied horizontally in the seismic load case. so your lateral load would be 0.25 x 50 = 12.5 psf on the wall, either perpendicular to the wall or parallel to the wall. every square foot of the wall produces 12.5 lbs. of lateral force in either direction.
thanks, jae.
can i take it that the wp term refers to the weight of one square foot of the wall?
say, the density of brick wall is 150 pcf and the thickness of the brick wall is 4 in. or 0.333 feet. then, the weight per square feet of th e wall is:
150 pcf * 0.333' = 50 psf
the math is not complicated, but the term was not defined clearly. for someone new at the game, the definition "component operating weight" doesn't help a lot.
if the definition was written as, "weight of one square foot of the wall with the units psf", there wouldn't be too much doubt at all.
did i get it right?
well, keep in mind that the wp just doesn't only apply to walls. check out the applicable tables - 1621.2 and 1621.3. these are the "items" that apply to your three formulae for fp. it all depends on how you are dealing with the load.
for a mechanical unit, you may have a single weight - say 500 lbs. then the fp would be in lbs, not psf. its just how you keep track (bookkeeping) of the loads and their path through the structure.
if you are designing the brick wall veneer tie to support 20 sq. ft of brick wall, then wp is equal to the dead load of 20 sq. ft. of the brick.
essentially, the fp seismic load value is 20 times that generated by one sq. ft. of brick wall.
i didnt read all of the posts, however, since you are in the components section, i am assuming you are designing for an architectural element of some type to be added to a building, i dont know. wp "component operating weight" is the total weight of the component your are designing. for instance, if it were a 10" block wall, it would be something like 160 pcf. its as easy as taking the volume and multiplying. hope that helps!
thank you for all yours replies. i have read each and every one of them and talked to some guys here at the office and this is what i concluded. the term, "wpfff">fff">" - component operating weightfff">fff"> - actually should be the total weight of the component that i am designing forfff">fff">. 01audis4fff"> hit the nail on the head on this one. however, i believe the units should be in poundsfff">.
i am actually designing wall studs at 16" apart and the height of the wall stud is 17 feet tall. it is a brick wall and let's take the wall self weight (brick, studs, sheating, etc.) as 54 psffff">.
therefore, my "component operating weightfff">fff">", wp is:
54 psf * 16"/12 * 17 = 1224#
with this value, i can work out fp, the seismic forces, and then compare fp with the forces caused by the wind load. in my case, the wind load controls.
did i get it right this time? |