information on ductal concrete
i am working on a bunch of stair treads made of ductal concrete. does anyone know where i can find some information on ductal concrete and how its properties differs from concrete of lower strength?
i was told that can/csa-a23.3 does not cover concrete with f'c > 80 mpa. i am curious as to why that is...and how i would design ductal concrete while complying with the canadian code.
if a builder has built a house for a man and has not made his work sound, and the house which he has built has fallen down and so caused the death of the householder, that builder shall be put to death." code of hammurabi, c.2040 b.c.fff">
i'd suggest you get in touch with lafarge since they produce it. it is likely not included in any csa standard because it is a very new technology.
time is needed to do the research to find out whether it behaves in the same way as standard concrete. the rules for design may be significantly different from what you know. but at this time, nobody knows exactly how to design it.
concrete strength is limited to 80 because properties really start to vary from the general formulae as strength rises too much and it also becomes much more brittle.
ductal is not standard concrete and is not really covered by codes. it has a high tensile strength if the numbers can be believed. but is is very expensive. i cannot believe that someone is making stair treads out of it. |