lifting lugs - design/evaluation
i refer to the method for "design/evaluation of lifting lugs" by mr clement rajendra. the 7 pages paper (in pdf fromat) can be downloaded from the following address
mathcad should automatically take care of the unit conversion. if you are doing the calcs by hand be sure to include all your unit conversions.
i can't help with getting hold of the author or mathcad file but if you have questions about any of the equations go back to the original document "design and construction of lifting beams" engineering journal 4th quarter 1991 by david ricker.
good luck
rockengineer is right. the "design and construction of lifting beams" by david t. ricker is very helpful in designing lifting lugs. its from the aisc engineering journal fourth quarter 1991.i find it very helpful when i was doing the hand calculations for lifting lugs in the past.