macomber joists - again
now it is my turn. i know that the subject of macomber joists has been raised in this forum before. i am hoping that someone can help me out. the tags on the joists that i am looking at read:
macomber v beam
i assume the 2nd line is a job number and the 3rd is the joist designation. if anyone out there has some catalog information that can help me out i would appreciate a fax to 612-677-3410.
it seems that people have been very helpful in the past on this subject. if someone can help me i will try to return the favor in the future. thanks.
i have catalog information on the v-beam macomber joists in your last post. they do have information on the v-beam 22f joist. its been almost 2 months since your post so i do not know if you still need the information.
i have the catalog pages in seperate pdf files. i would need your email address and i can email the info to you.
jeffrey krus p.e.
thanks for the info. on the joists. i have downloaded your pdf's and they are very useful for the job that i am on now.
could you please send me any information on joist girders. i have a 38" and a 24" joist girder with no tags. please fax to 207-623-0016. thanks.
ben murray, p.e.
did you see if this info can help?
yeah, i did and it was of great help for the joists. i read some other threads and they talked about having information on joist girders. if anyone was any information, i would appreciate taking a look at it. thanks. |