metalfree concrete slabs
any suggestions for designing a metal-free concrete slab/foundation for an mri support slab?
i'm sure we could just design the concrete section, but it would be good if we could try to have some resistance to cracking.
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use some fibre reinforced plastic (google it).
from what i read, durability is not known or thought to be less than desirable on the frp.
structuraled -
i don't know where your sources are from, but the transportation market is using frp reinforcing in limited applications and in state or provinces where de-icing is typical.
that said, when you look at aci 440 for the necessary strength formulas, you'll also see a environmental factor that is applied based on exterior, interior and or exterior aggressive environment. these factors are presently used to ensure the bars/slab will not fail due to degradation any more than uncoated steel reinforcing would in a corrosive environment.
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